Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Back to check in.

Have been getting better with my food intake. Found a good balance with processed sugar (only eating dark chocolate) for a month. With this goal in mind, it’s easier to say no when I go places that have dessert.  I’m proud of myself, which is nice to feel again… even if it’s such a small victory. And even when I’m at home alone and find myself wanting something sweet, I go to the fridge and maybe have a few bites of unsweetened apple sauce or some grapes. I know those are high in sugar, but for now I need to SLOWLY get back down to the 30g/day range.

I have stayed right at 217-220 the last week or so, but I feel so much better now that I have cut out processed sugars. My goal is to be down to 215 by the end of this month. Also, Steffen and I have done phenomenal with our financial goals. I am so thankful for a like-minded husband.

I am still having a hard time finding time to exercise. I don’t want to make excuses though! I reminded myself that even walking a couple miles every day is ok! It’s better than doing NOTHING, right?


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